Ground Mounted Solar to offset HT power supply

Mass Cleaning
Mass Cleaning

A Massive Clean up operation in the coastal area near Threspuram Held today (11.02.2023). This work was done by the honourable mayor Mr. P. Jagan initiated the clean up work in this event Deputy Mayor Mrs. S. Jenita, Members of Parliament.
Women’s day Celebration, 2023
Women’s day Celebration, 2023

On the Occasion of International Women’s Day, Women’ Day Ceremony was held in Thoothukudi Municipal Corporation on (08.03.2022) under the leadership of Hon’ble Mayor Mr. P. Jagan. Deputy Mrs. S. Jenita, Deputy Commissioner Mr. T. Kumar, Assistant Commissioner (Work) were present in the ceremony.
Mass Plantation
Mass Plantation

Commissioner Mr. S. Dinesh Kumar I.A.S., Ottapidaram Assembly Member Mr. Shanmugaiah, Deputy Mayor Mrs. S. Jenita, Various departmental officers, employees, public, volunteers and students participated in the said ceremony.
Proposed Centralised SCADA system demand driven-Water Supply & Distribution Management System for the TCMC Water Supply Improvement Scheme

Name of the Project: Proposed Centralised SCADA system demand driven-Water Supply & Distribution Management System for the TCMC Water Supply Improvement Scheme
Project cost (Rs.in Cr): 8.47
84 MLD of raw water from Intake Well located at 100m away from upstream of Maruthur Dam at Kaliyavoor in River Thamirabarani being pumped to the Water Treatment Plant at Keelavallanadu, with the supporting of 4 nos of 600HP/450KW Vertical Turbine Pump sets. It is designed to operate 2 Nos of 600HP Vertical Turbine Pump sets parallelly at a time to pump as per the designed quantity of 84 MLD raw water from the existing source. The pumped raw water conveyed through size of 1100mm dia SWMS pipe to Water Treatment Plant at Keelavallanadu for a distance 10.85Km.From the Water Treatment Plant at Keelavallanadu, the treated clear water will be gravitated to the beneficiaries of TCMC limit. The clear water transmission main of size 1200mm dia SWMS pipe is laid for the distance of 25 Kms with the provision of sufficient sluice valve / scour valve arrangements. According to the design of the project, the treated clear water is being feed through 30 Nos OHTS comprises 13 Feeder Main and segregated to 30 Zones.
Physical Progress: 65%
Project End Date: 31 03 2022
Awareness Walk
Awareness Walk

In the awareness walk, the Member of parliament from Mrs. Kanimozhi Karunandhi, Honble minister of Social Welfare and Women Rights Mrs. P Geetha Jeevan, Honble Mayor Mr. Jagan Periyasamy.

Flood mitigation -SWD-Phase-III – (Packages –I,II,III &IV)

Name of the Project: Flood mitigation -SWD-Phase-III – (Packages –I,II,III &IV)
Project cost (Rs.in Cr): 32.44
Storm water Drain construction will reduce the Stagnation of rain water . City will be clean .
Physical Progress: 65%
Project End Date: 31 May 2022
Renovation of Heritage Buildings in 5 location

Name of the Project: Renovation of Heritage Buildings in 5 location
Project cost (Rs.in Cr): 4.77
The integrative and inclusive by placing the site in its social, cultural and environmental context at both macro level(town) and micro level(site). The aim is to identify and conserve the heritage of thoothukudi ecology, culture and heritage being its 3 key pillars defining the historic urban landscape of the city.
Physical Progress: 20%
Project End Date: 31 Mar 2022

Smart Road
Smart Road

Name of the Project: Smart Road
Project cost (Rs.in Cr): 68.59
Description: “1. Cement concrete pavement with random rubble median, two wheeler and four wheeler parking. Geometric improvement in major intersection, footpath for pedestrian, Street light arrangement, New trees, grating around trees, landscaping, Planter box in footpath wherever applicable, dust bin, Water line and Electric line facilities will be provided. 2. High strength so as to distribute the wheel load of the vehicles to the bottom layer’s without any deformation. 3. Resistance to abrasion caused by the tyres. 4. Should minimize skidding of vehicles. To achieve the above the concrete should be strong, hard and durable. Thus PQC is a special grade of Concrete suitable for highway “
Physical Progress: 48%
Project End Date: 31 Mar 2022

- Name of the Project: UGSS ABD Area
- Project cost (Rs.in Cr): 126.84
- Description: “1.Sewers are meant to transport waste water from one location to another location by gravity and therefore have to be laid deep to receive all the flows. Sewers must resist erosion and corrosion and its structural strength must be sufficient to carry back fill, impact and live loads satisfactorily. The size and slope of the sewer must be adequate for the flow to be carried and sufficient to prevent deposition of settlable solids. The aim of design is not only to make the sewer system functional, but also to build the system at lowest cost ensuring durability over the life span of the system. 2. As per CPHEEO manual on “Sewerage and Sewage treatment” about 80% of the water supply gets converted into sewage. Based on this, for ABD area of Thoothukudi Corporation sewage flow is arrived zone wise including infiltration for intermediate and ultimate stage 3. Sewers in Thoothukudi Corporation ABD area are designed for ultimate stage flow conditions, assuming that 100% population of that year is connected to the system and 100% water demand is also satisfied. 4. UGD minimize the water is stagnating in many places and reduce the growth of mosquitoes and flies which causing many diseases. “
- Physical Progress: 5%
- Project End Date: 30 Jan 2024